dinsdag 29 december 2009

HayatexBlade Chapters 17-22

As promised, during the holidays a batch of HayatexBlade. Chapters 17 to 22 are done *yaay* ^.^
I was hoping to finish till the end of volume 4 (chapter 25)...but didn't make it in time, so i'll releases those in the first week of january.
Volume 5 also got out this december, so i'll release chapters 26-30 in january/february.

Anyway, enjoy the read!

Yureka Chapter 125

Here's chapter 125, brought to you by 13 and Constant flowing water!
The post is a little late, because i was really busy these last couple days =-p

Anyway, enjoy! (126 is coming in a few days! ^.^)

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 125
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 125

maandag 21 december 2009

Yureka Chapter 124

Here we go, the last chapter of volume 20! The story is getting really, really, REALLY good, so don't miss any chapters =P

Credits go to Gui, Tsin and me. The next chapter will come in a few days (probably ^.^)

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 124
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 124

zaterdag 19 december 2009

Yureka Chapter 123

Here's chapter 123, credits go to 13 and his team~!
Tell them thanks, and chat about the latest chapter here =p

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 123
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 123

vrijdag 18 december 2009

Uploading Rules

The rules have changed a bit, and are less strict now. From now on you're allowed to upload both the Yureka as the HayatexBlade releases to other sites, although we ask you to follow the following conditions:
1) the releases are not to be uploaded to paysites.
2) don't remove the credit pages
3) credit the scanlators correctly


- Yureka Scans & Deathy80

donderdag 17 december 2009

Yureka Chapter 122

Here's the weekly chapter of Yureka, borught to you by Gui, Tsin and me, enjoy ^.^

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 122
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 122

Edit: fixed a missing bubble on page 9.

zaterdag 12 december 2009

Yureka Chapters 120 & 121

We're going at a steady pace, and 13 now has people to help him out with the translating and editing too, say hi and thanks to loli.Dragon & Constant flowing water!

Chapters 123 and 124 should be coming next week, so look forward to more Yureka! =P

Chapter 120 was brought to you by Gui, Tsin and me, Chapter 121 was brought to you by 13, Constant flowing water and loli.dragon, let us know what you think of the manga at the mangafox forums, we'll be waiting! --> The forums we use

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 120
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 120

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 121
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 121

[Edit: Chapter 121 DDL added.]

maandag 7 december 2009

Yureka Chapter 119

The first chapter of volume 20 is done!
Credits go to 13 for translating and cleaning this one, tell him thanks at the forums ^.^

DDL will come later, you can read the chapter online for now.

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 119
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 119

woensdag 2 december 2009

Yureka Chapter 118

And here's the last chapter of volume 19 already! We're starting with volume 20 right away, and the next chapter should be out in a couple of days!

Credits go to Gui for translating, Tsin for editing, and i did the proofing ^.^ Drop by the forums to thank the scanlators and chat about the latest chapter ^.^

Read Online: Yureka Chapter 118
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 118

maandag 30 november 2009

Yureka Update

As i've posted before, the Yureka chapters are brought to you by 4 guys who work together to bring you this great manga, drop by the mangafox forums sometimes to thank us ^^. Anyways, since i didn't wanna make a new blog for only the yureka chapters, i'll post both the new and old yureka chapters on this one. This way you can download the chapters, instead of only reading them on Mangafox.
Not all the chapters are of the same quality, but we've just used the raws we could find online. In the next couple of months I'm planning to re-scan, re-edit volumes 2 to 12, and later the rest aswell, so bear with the quality of the scans until then.
I'll also post older volumes done by other groups. Volumes 6 and 7 are mostly copied from mangafox, since the uploader of those volumes is nowhere to be found.

If you wanna say thanks to the scanlators or chat about Yureka, come and join us at the Mangafox forums, we'll be waiting ^^ --> Mangafox Yureka Forum

If you wanna read the latest chapters online -->

All chapters are now posted.
Yureka Volume 1 : by [Lost-Saga & Fuan]

Yureka Volume 2 : by [Lost-Saga & Yakuza] and [Hydex]

Yureka Volume 3 : by [Heidi-Scans]

Yureka Volume 4 : by [HAO]

Yureka Volume 5 : by [HAO]

Yureka Volume 6 : by [HAO] and [AznTekNèkz Scans]

Yureka Volume 7 : by [AznTekNèkz Scans] and [DARKLiCH]

Yureka Volume 8 : by [Deathy80]

Yureka Volume 9 : by [Deathy80]

Yureka Volume 10 : by [Deathy80]

Yureka Volume 11 : by [Deathy80] and [13]

Yureka Volume 12 : by [13]

Yureka Volume 13 : by [AznTekNèkz Scans] and [13]

Yureka Volume 14 : by [13]

Yureka Volume 15 : by [13]

Yureka Volume 16 : by [13]

Yureka Volume 17 : by [13] and [Gui, Tsin & Deathy]

Yureka Volume 18 : by [13] and [Gui, Tsin & Deathy]

HayatexBlade Chapter 16

And here's the last chapter till christmas, for those who didn't read the big introduction, on the of 25th december i'll release the next batch of HxB chapters, so look forward to it!

HayatexBlade Chapter 15

bla..bla...bla you know what i'm gonna say --> NEXT!

HayatexBlade Chapter 14

Here's the first chapter of volume 3 ^.^

HayatexBlade Chapter 13

And here's the last chapter of volume 2.

HayatexBlade Chapter 12

And another one!!

HayatexBlade Chapter 11

And another chapter that was released before ^^

HayatexBlade Chapter 10

I'll start posting links to the chapters i've released before making this blog, The new HayatexBlade chapters (17-25) will be released at christmas eve (my present to everyone xD)

I'll also post Chapters 1-9 done by other groups, if you like the manga, don't forget to say thanks to them too! ^.^

Hello, i guess?

Heya, my name's Deathy80, and I'm a big manga fan (can't stop reading!), so since i had tons of free time on my hands, i thought 'hey, let's get photoshop and join the scanlation scene!' and here i am, a couple of months months later, and alot of hours editing further.

Until now i really only edited for groups, so i didn't need my own webpage to bring the releases, but a while ago i started some new projects by myself, so thought it was about time to make a blog to post my releases on ^.^. My releases up to now only got uploaded to Mangafox, and i won't stop doing that, but making a blog has it own advantages (like posting download links and updating the chapters to mangaupdates.com). I'm currently helping out on a few projects, Yureka is one of them, and although it's not a project i do by myself, i thought i'd post it on the blog aswell.

I got started on the Yureka Project i think around june/july 2009, it was when i found the manga, and started reading it on mangafox. I instantly loved the manga, and wanted to continue reading it...but BAM, there were like 25 missing chapters in between (chapters 45-70 were missing, while 71-90 were already done), and so i couldn't continue reading *sob sob*. The next day i found out that Tokyopop had translated till volume 12(chapter 75) in english...and so i ordered the books right away. The books arrived like 3 days later and i could continue reading *yay!*.
Some time passed and i saw more and more comments of how people wanted to continue reading but couldn't because of the chapter gap, thus i decided to start filling in those gaps. I think it took me like 3 months, but the gaps were filled, and Yureka was complete till like chapter 90.
The new chapters were being translated by Shadowfox5613, under the name 13, and he was and still is doing a great job. So...not long after i finished filling the chapter gap, Super_gui_1 appeared, saying he wanted to help translating the manga, and thus i approached him saying i'd do the editing/qc'ing. Gui and me started releasing chapters, and together with shadow we were releasing quite fast. A few weeks later Tsin0125 joined us aswell, and he's now helping out a ton with the editing ^^.
Eventhough we are a small team of 4 guys, we didn't make a site, and just kept releasing on mangafox, and talked on those forums. We're still gonna use those forums to talk etc, but i'll start hosting download links on this blog, so even those who don't visit mangafox can follow the manga.
We're at the end of volume 19 (chapter 117) now, and going steadily towards volume 32, so keep an eye out for our weekly releases!

That was Yureka, now about my other project --> HayatexBlade.
I found the HayatexBlade manga on mangafox aswell, started reading it, loved it from the first chapter. The only downside was the small amount of translated chapters (only chapters 1-8 were translated back then). I saw Seven Seas had translated books till volume 4 already, and so i bought those right away and continued reading. After reading till the end of volume 4 i still loved it and wanted moar!! I thought 'this manga deserves to be read by more people!', and since i still had free time on my hands every now and then, and NCIS was releasing HxB at a really slow speed, I started editing and releasing chapters on mangafox.
I've now released chapters 10-16, and by christmas 2009 i'll release till chapter 25 (the end of volume 4). Volume 5 hits the stores in december, and I'll edit that one in january 2010 ^^. Volume 6 is currently set on being released april 2010, and i'll also be editing and releasing that one when it's out.

Well, that was about my introduction =p
I'll be releasing both the Yureka and HayatexBlade chapters on the blog, to discuss stuff about the shows, just go to the mangafox forums of those series, and i'll be around there somewhere =p.