We all used to get our HayatexBlade RAWs from Mangahelpers or Raw-Paradise, but as most of you already know, Mangahelpers removed the RAWs and Raw-Paradise is dead. With those 2 sites out of the picture there isn't really a place anymore where all the HxB RAWs are together, or where new chapters get updated.
Since I think there should be a place where you can easily get old and new HxB RAWs, I've decided to start uploading all the RAWs to my mediafire account. Below I will put a release log with the latest 3 chapters i added to the mediafire account. I'll update the release log whenever I upload a new chapter to the account.
For those wondering why the chapter numbering is so strange, let me explain. After chapter 52 was released the series moved to another magazine (because the publisher changed from Media Works to Shueisha). The new magazine started the chapter numbering at 1, while it was actually chapter 53 in the entire series. The latest chapter released atm, chapter 22, is actually chapter 74 of the entire series. To keep it a little more clear I'll put both the new chapter number and the old chapter number in the file names.
If a link stops working, you can send me a mail at vulcanus_1989@hotmail.com and i'll re-upload the chapter asap.
[Download RAWs]
Hayate X Blade RAW's [Chapters 1-101]
[Release Log]
- [RAW] Hayate X Blade Chapter 101 (Chapter 49) [2012-09]
- [RAW] Hayate X Blade Chapter 100 (Chapter 48) [2012-08]
- [RAW] Hayate X Blade Chapter 99 (Chapter 47) [2012-07]