zaterdag 19 juni 2010

HayatexBlade Chapter 30

Here's HxB chapter 30, the last 'real' chapter of volume 5. There's still a bonus chapter and a small bonus story remaining in this volume though, i'll hopefully have those done tomorrow or early monday.

Since i'm going to do some work on Yureka for the next couple of weeks, I won't start volume 6 right away, but the first chapter should be out within a month the latest. Also, because of the move and the shit that comes with it I didn't get to Eiji this week either, i'll have a chapter done coming thursday/friday though, promise!

Anyway, enjoy some Hayate, Ayana and Jun-Jun!

*Edit: the new HxB Raw for this month has been added to the mediafire sharekey.

Read Online: Mangatoshokan / Mangafox
Download Link: HayatexBlade Volume 5 Chapter 30

6 opmerkingen:

  1. YEAH. *is so happy could cry* Thanks for working on these even when you're busy.

  2. Just to let you know, I went ahead and tried to get your release for Hayate x Blade chapter 30 on Mangatoshokan up. I'm not sure if it went through, but if it did, you'll see it on the main page later on.

  3. Would be nice if it finally got through...i tried again a few times today but still getting the same server errors, pretty annoying ^.^

  4. Ok, I tried it again and it seems to have gone through this time. If you need any changes on it or anything just PM me on Mangatoshokan.
