zondag 30 mei 2010

HayatexBlade Chapter 29

Here’s the third HxB chapter of this week, chapter 29 is done! ^^ Chapter 30 and a bonus chapter of volume 5 will be done about next week, look forward to that =).

I’m still looking for a jap translator for volumes 7 and up. If you think you can help, or if you know someone who might be interested, be sure to contact me at vulcanus_1989@hotmail.com!

Enjoy the chapter!

Read Online: Mangafox / Mangatoshokan

vrijdag 28 mei 2010

HayatexBlade RAWs

We all used to get our HayatexBlade RAWs from Mangahelpers or Raw-Paradise, but as most of you already know, Mangahelpers removed the RAWs and Raw-Paradise is dead. With those 2 sites out of the picture there isn't really a place anymore where all the HxB RAWs are together, or where new chapters get updated.

Since I think there should be a place where you can easily get old and new HxB RAWs, I've decided to start uploading all the RAWs to my mediafire account. Below I will put a release log with the latest 3 chapters i added to the mediafire account. I'll update the release log whenever I upload a new chapter to the account.

For those wondering why the chapter numbering is so strange, let me explain. After chapter 52 was released the series moved to another magazine (because the publisher changed from Media Works to Shueisha). The new magazine started the chapter numbering at 1, while it was actually chapter 53 in the entire series. The latest chapter released atm, chapter 22, is actually chapter 74 of the entire series. To keep it a little more clear I'll put both the new chapter number and the old chapter number in the file names.

If a link stops working, you can send me a mail at vulcanus_1989@hotmail.com and i'll re-upload the chapter asap.

[Download RAWs]
Hayate X Blade RAW's [Chapters 1-101]

[Release Log]
- [RAW] Hayate X Blade Chapter 101 (Chapter 49) [2012-09]
- [RAW] Hayate X Blade Chapter 100 (Chapter 48) [2012-08]
- [RAW] Hayate X Blade Chapter 99 (Chapter 47) [2012-07]

donderdag 27 mei 2010

Psychometrer Eiji Chapter 99

And as promised, here's Eiji chapter 99. The 'strange' Fukushima arc comes to an end (finally lol). The next Eiji chapter will be out next thursday, the next HxB chapters will be out by the end of the week.


Read Online: Mangafox / Mangatoshokan

Yureka Chapter 161

After a long time no releases here's a chapter of Yureka again. I didn't do much this chapter besides the quality check, you've gotta thank Gui, CFW and Dokko for this one. No idea when the next chapter will be out, so just check in every now and then =)

If everything goes fine i'll release the next Eiji chapter later today, so look forward to that.


Read Online: Mangafox / Mangatoshokan
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 161

maandag 24 mei 2010

HayatexBlade Chapters 27 & 28

I really enjoyed editing these chapters, i'm sure you will enjoy reading them! (I mean, how can you not enjoy HxB ~YEAH!!). There's a fun song playing in the background of chapter 28, for those wondering how it sounds like, and how looks like for real, here's the youtube video to it:
Hikaru GENJI - Tsurugi no Mai and for the die-hard HxB fans out there, here's the mp3 version. ^^

I'm gonna try to release the rest of volume 5 (chapters 29 and 30, and a bonus chapter) before sunday. Eiji will be out on thursday. Yureka is still unknown for the next chapter.

I'm also looking for a japanese translator for HxB volumes 7 and up, since Seven Seas doesn't have HxB volumes 7 and up on the planning yet. If you think you could help out send me a mail at vulcanus_1989@hotmail.com

Anyways, enjoy the chapters!

donderdag 20 mei 2010

Psychometrer Eiji Chapter 98

I've been sick for a while, but I'm all better and back in action! Here's the first release, Eiji chapter 98. Eiji chapter 99 will be out in the next few days.

HayatexBlade - i've finished the cleaning of volume 5, will TS them as fast as i can, so the next 4-5 chapters will be out in the next couple of days. Yureka - don't know when i'll release the next chapter, could be this weekend, or next week, depends on how fast i finish HxB and whether or not i feel like editing it =).

Anyways, enjoy!

Read Online: Mangafox / Mangatoshokan

donderdag 6 mei 2010

Psychometrer Eiji Chapter 97

As usual, here's our weekly Eiji chapter. This chapter (chapter 97) is about Shima and the commissioner (the old bald guy). Take baldy's and Shima's hatred against each other, throw in a stupid son, and you've got yourself a chapter. The next 2 chapters will have Fukushima as the main character (you know, the fat guy who loves Shima), and from what i've heard it's gonna be pretty damn nasty. Anyways, look forward to that =p.

Yureka will be out either tomorrow or the day after. Hayate will be released in the weekend. That's about it, enjoy the eiji chapter!

Read Online: Mangafox / Mangatoshokan

zaterdag 1 mei 2010

Yureka Chapter 160

Here's our 2nd chapter this week, and also the last chapter of volume 26. Next week we'll release chapter 161, the first chapter of volume 27, and you can expect it around thursday/friday.
Volume 27 is the first french volume with the new publisher (the licence switched from Tokebi to Samji) and they've edited the volume pretty badly (it's really dark on most pages, especially Tablen's skin is really dark) but there's not much we can do about that. We can only hope Samji did a better job on leveling for future volumes, and make the best with what we've got.

Anyway, enjoy chapter 160!

Read Online: Mangafox / Mangatoshokan
Download Link: Yureka Chapter 160