donderdag 26 mei 2011


I've been swamped with work, so things got delayed a bit, i really couldn't get anything done last week, but next week (appears) to be more free so i'll try to get some stuff out the door then. I did find some new Korean RAWs for Yureka today, so for those who're bored and wanna spoil themselves, go ahead and look through them (vol 36 is new, the others were out already, but i'll repost em too).

Another update is that i will receive A Book of Dreams volumes 9-15 tomorrow, so we'll have volume 3-15 to work on in french (~yay!). Any translators or editors interested in working on this series or on Psychometrer Eiji, mail me!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. need in english ASAP, coz i can't read korean

  2. yeah. we're tired of waiting and curious about it @@
    hope you guys can work it ASAP :)
    we're counting on you. so fight! :)
